MILES – Mental health Improvement through Livelihoods Empowerment of Self-help groups

Project location(s): Kilifi County

 Project Overview

The MILES project seeks to mitigate the social and economic causes and effects of mental illness/psychosocial disability through enhancing the income-generating activities of organizations of persons with disabilities (OPDs) in Kaloleni, Kilifi County.


What does the project aim to do?

The project will strengthen 8 OPDs self help groups that have already received training from BNBR on Village Savings and Loaning Association practices. Through capacity building sessions, grant of seed capital, value addition in product packaging, and sales and marketing within the county, 150 households who are members of the 8 self-help groups, will be empowered to expand their members’ collective and individual income-generating activities.

Some of the groups produce products that if well positioned can be competitively priced to earn them sustainable income. This includes items like cardamon and coconut flavoured mandazi which they sell at Ksh5 but when properly packaged and branded the same can go for up to Ksh20 at the nearby market center. Cold pressed coconut oil which they sell at throw away prices e.g. as low as Ksh100 for a 500ml bottle, is typically sold in urban markets for between Ksh700 and Ksh1000 for a 400ml jar. By adding value in terms of refinement, packaging and marketing, the project will help the groups get fair competitive price for their items.


Expected results:

Result area Target number
1 Increase in individual members’ weekly savings in the VSLA based on earnings – Budget allocation


60% increase
2 OPDs with income generation activities

OPDs sustaining the IGAs for over 6 months (indication of sustainability beyond project end)


180 members trained

At least 6 of the OPDs sustaining IGAs for over 6 months

3 Improvement in knowledge, attitude, and practice of the self-help group members and their respective communities on mental health care.


300 members and their caregivers/households
4 OPD members participating in various community leadership roles and opportunities


20% of OPD members from current 2%


4 linkages to opportunities including 5% procurement quota for people with disability, county business licenses among others identified

Implementing partner(s)

